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Guidance for schools to support trans young people
The Welsh Government published an LGBTQ+ Action Plan in February 2023, providing a framework for policy development across the Welsh Government and partners to support LGBTQ+...
Diversity in Recruitment
The Welsh Government has asked the Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) to support its work on increasing the proportion of Black, Asian and Minority...
A local authority-led transition to net zero
The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) is coordinating a climate change transition and recovery support programme to meet the overall target for the public sector...
International approaches to population ageing and decline
With the population of Wales projected to continue to age and faced with a decreasing working-age population, we are conducting a review of the best...
Poverty Stigma
We are supporting public services and policy makers in Wales to understand poverty stigma, how it affects their communities and ways to reduce it.
The role of multisectoral collaboration in supporting community action
We are working with the Resourceful Communities Partnership (RCP) to review lessons learnt during the pandemic on the role of collaboration in supporting community action...
Net Zero 2035
WCPP is providing evidence to the Wales Net Zero 2035 Challenge Group, which has been established in line with the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru Cooperation...
Examining the Impact of the What Works Network
The Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) has been awarded ESRC funding to continue examining and developing the impact of the What Works Network. This...