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Showing 33 to 38 of 38 results
Evidence Informed Policy Making (EIPM) at the local level
We are undertaking research on evidence use in policymaking, service design and implementation at the local level. A range of initiatives have been introduced, at...
Knowledge brokering and knowledge brokering organisations
There has been a significant growth in the number of evidence intermediaries or knowledge brokering organisations sitting between research and government and seeking to bridge...
The impact of the Wales Centre for Public Policy on policymakers views and use of evidence in Wales
The Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) is a knowledge brokering organisation. Its primary aim is to enhance processes of public policy making, public service...
Evidence for Welsh Public Service Leaders on Public Procurement
Mobilising the power of procurement is a growing area of interest. The Welsh public sector spends approximately £6 billion annually on goods, services and works, however...
Gender Equality in Wales
Supporting Chwarae Teg to review international evidence on best practice
Approaches to Enabling Job Progression in Key Foundational Sectors
Identifying effective job progression models and how they might be usefully applied in foundation sectors