Net Zero 2035
WCPP provided evidence to the Wales Net Zero 2035 Challenge Group, which was established in line with the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru Cooperation Agreement, which...
Children looked after
The substantial and sustained increase in the rate of children in care in Wales over the past 25 years has been a source of policy concern...
Alternative models of domiciliary care
Domiciliary care or ‘homecare’ is social care provided in people’s homes and includes a range of support such as help with daily tasks, personal...
Brexit and the NHS workforce
As part of the EU Transition Support Fund Grant received from the Welsh Government, the Welsh NHS Confederation commissioned the Wales Centre for Public Policy...
Poverty and social exclusion review
The Welsh Government has consistently held addressing poverty and social exclusion as a primary policy objective and has initiated a variety of related schemes since...
Increasing diversity in public appointments
In early 2020 the Welsh Government released ‘Reflecting Wales in Running Wales’ (Welsh Government, 2020), its strategy for increasing diversity in public appointments in Wales. The Deputy...