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Commentary 21 July 2016
Tackling Rural Poverty – Identifying the Causes
On a visit to Beijing in 2015 I met the Chinese Vice-Minister for Rural Development. A jovial man, who looked back fondly on the two years...
Commentary 19 July 2016
Rethinking Food Policy as Public Policy in Wales – Now Needed More Than Ever with ‘Brexeat’?
It's hard to focus after a political earthquake. The vote to leave the European Union is a political earthquake of the highest magnitude. We are...
Publications 12 July 2016
Breaking the Cycle: What Works in Reducing Intergenerational Worklessness and Fragile Employment
The Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) worked with experts from the Institute for Employment Research at University of Warwick to review the effectiveness of...
Publications 1 July 2016
Driving Public Service Transformation and Innovation through the Invest to Save Fund
This report by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) provides advice on how the Welsh Government could use its Invest to Save Fund more...
Publications 27 June 2016
Food Policy as Public Policy
This report examines whether the Welsh Government’s Food Strategy was sufficiently comprehensive and up to date.
Publications 8 June 2016
Increasing the Role of Social Business Models in the Health and Social Care in Wales
This report by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) reviews the evidence on ways of increasing the role which Social Business Models (SBMs) can...
Publications 27 May 2016
De-escalating Interventions for Troubled Adolescents
This report by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) provides advice on the potential to de-escalate interventions in the lives of troubled adolescents. To...
Publications 4 April 2016
Increasing the Use of School Facilities
The Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) worked with Professor Alan Dyson and Dr Kirstin Kerr (University of Manchester) to analyse the international evidence about...