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Publications 7 April 2017
Employment Entry in Growth Sectors
This report, published by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW), finds that there is potential for using a well-targeted, sector-focused approach to increase employment...
Commentary 6 April 2017
Brexit and Wales: Understanding the Reasons Behind the Welsh Vote
On Thursday 30th March, 2017, the PPIW and Knowledge and Analytical Services welcomed colleagues to an evidence symposium which aimed to understand the reasons behind the...
Publications 5 April 2017
Improving Job Quality in Growth Sectors
This report, published by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW), explores ways of improving job quality. The study, written by Professor Anne Green, Dr...
Commentary 23 March 2017
How Wales is Understood in the UK is a Problem
It was recently announced that a new BBC TV channel will broadcast in Scotland from 2018. It will have a budget of £30m, roughly equivalent to...
Publications 26 February 2017
Harnessing Growth Sectors for Poverty Reduction
This report considers how growth sectors can reduce poverty by providing high quality jobs and opportunities for career progression. Based on research funded by the...
Publications 16 February 2017
Growth Sectors: Data Analysis on Employment Change, Wages and Poverty
This report funded by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) and ESRC demonstrates that the sector which an individual works in has a significant...
Publications 9 February 2017
Not-for-Dividend (NFD) Rail Service Provision
How could the Wales and Border rail franchise be designed to deliver a NFD passenger service?
Publications 19 November 2016
Evidence Summary on EU Migration in Wales
Prepared for the Welsh Government’s European Advisory Group