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Commentary 3 July 2020
Devolution and the Coronavirus pandemic in Wales: doing things differently, doing things together?
In a Senedd debate in May both First Minister Mark Drakeford and Welsh Brexit Party Leader Mark Reckless found themselves agreeing that the Coronavirus pandemic...
Commentary 1 July 2020
How are we going to fund social care?
The Coronavirus pandemic has highlighted, more than ever, the importance of funding social care. Local authorities are concerned about meeting their statutory duties, paying care...
Commentary 26 June 2020
The Coronavirus pandemic and the cost of health
The current Coronavirus pandemic has brought healthcare and science experts to the centre of public debate. Questions about rationing resources such as access to specialist...
Commentary 24 June 2020
Financial vulnerability in the pandemic: a dilemma for local authorities
The Coronavirus pandemic has necessitated a shift in the way in which we, as a society, think about vulnerability. Historically, we have tended towards a...
Commentary 19 June 2020
The Coronavirus pandemic – an opportunity for policy entrepreneurs?
It has become something of a mantra that ‘things cannot be the same’ after the Coronavirus pandemic. This is partly because of a growing sense...
Commentary 17 June 2020
Building back better: the importance of a green stimulus
The Coronavirus pandemic-driven lockdown imposed across the UK has upended most aspects of day-to-day life. Whilst the economic cost of the lockdown is severe, one...
Commentary 12 June 2020
The role of Welsh local government in a post-Coronavirus world
The role that local government plays in the frontline provision of public services is highlighted and accentuated at times of crisis. Councils across Wales have...
Commentary 10 June 2020
Recovering from the Coronavirus pandemic: maintaining a legacy of volunteering
One of the few positive side effects of the pandemic has been the apparent eruption in volunteering we’ve seen across Welsh communities – both in...