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Publications 9 September 2020
Children looked after in Wales
On 31st March 2019, there were 6,845 children looked after in Wales, a further increase of 440 compared to the previous year. As a result, the gap between...
Race equality rapid evidence review
The Welsh Government has made a commitment to publish a Race Equality Action Plan designed to tackle structural racial and ethnic inequalities in Wales. The...
Publications 2 September 2020
Policy options for Welsh fishing opportunities
The current size and performance of the Welsh fishing industry, as well as the policy context of the Well-being of Future Generations Act and Environment...
Commentary 14 August 2020
The Vital Role of Tertiary Education
Post-16 education and training are vital to individual opportunity and to the green economic growth Wales needs if it is to match the ambition of...
Publications 5 August 2020
The implications of Brexit for household incomes
In 2019, the Counsel General and Minister for European Transition asked the Wales Centre for Public Policy to analyse the implications of Brexit for household incomes...
past event
A Conversation on Wales’ Future
18 September 2020
Wales faces a number of economic, political and societal challenges. From COVID-19, Brexit, the further devolution of powers, the growing conversation around independence, to sustainable...
Publications 20 July 2020
Planning for a Prosperous, Equal and Green Recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic
These papers address the key messages from a series of expert roundtables convened by the Welsh Government’s Counsel General and Minister for European Transition,...
Publications 15 July 2020
20’s the limit: How to encourage speed reductions
The 20mph default speed limit on all residential roads in Wales is part of a suite of measures to promote ‘liveable’ communities. 20mph limits have...