Economy and Work

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Commentary 12 November 2020
Supporting mental health and wellbeing in fishermen and fishing communities
In September 2020 the Centre published it’s report Policy options for Welsh fishing opportunities, which explores the potential fishing opportunities open to Wales after the...
Commentary 10 November 2020
Why diversity in public appointments matters
Owing to the lack of diversity in board membership, many boards in Wales do not reflect the communities they serve, with Black, Asian, and Minority...
Commentary 3 November 2020
A Conversation on Wales’ Future
On 18th September 2020 we, along with our colleagues at WISERD (Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research and Data), hosted a webinar in which Carwyn...
Commentary 24 June 2020
Financial vulnerability in the pandemic: a dilemma for local authorities
The Coronavirus pandemic has necessitated a shift in the way in which we, as a society, think about vulnerability. Historically, we have tended towards a...
Commentary 27 May 2020
The implications of the Coronavirus pandemic for the Welsh economy
The Coronavirus pandemic is having a profound and unprecedented impact on the Welsh economy – an economy already weakened by retrenchment and austerity in the public...
Commentary 12 May 2020
Can Research Apprenticeships open the door to a policy career?
The Wales Centre for Public Policy introduced the Research Apprenticeship scheme in 2017. The aim was to build the capacity of researchers to engage with policymakers...
Commentary 3 April 2020
Governing the Just Transition
In previous blog posts, we’ve considered what a just transition is and what such a transition might look like in Wales. In the final...
Commentary 25 March 2020
Towards a resilient economy
In times of economic uncertainty attention often turns to the resilience of economies to shocks and downturns. As we grapple with the likely economic consequences...