Economy and Work

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Commentary 26 September 2022
What makes for an effective anti-poverty strategy?
The lack of an anti-poverty strategy did not stop the Welsh Government from taking action during the pandemic to address poverty in Wales. From the...
Publications 31 August 2022
Developing skills for a just transition
The transition to a low-carbon economy in Wales will affect workers and communities, particularly those with links to carbon-intensive industries. There is evidence that net-zero...
Publications 27 May 2022
Infrastructure and longterm wellbeing
This commentary report accompanies a rapid review of evidence about how physical infrastructure influences long-term wellbeing, commissioned by the Welsh Government to help inform its...
Commentary 26 May 2022
Integrating wellbeing objectives into long-term infrastructure planning
Integrating wellbeing objectives into long-term infrastructure planning is a necessary condition for ensuring the Wellbeing of Future Generations. From empowering citizens to make decisions affecting...
Commentary 25 May 2022
Infrastructure and Wellbeing in Wales
Transport infrastructure and wellbeing objectives Transport infrastructure is most directly relevant to the following of the Welsh Government’s ‘wellbeing objectives’(Wellbeing of Wales: 2021 | GOV....
Commentary 24 May 2022
Infrastructure requirements for Wales to transition to a prosperous, sustainable economy
Understanding wealth and wellbeing   The twenty-first century will not be like the twentieth. Most obviously, the economy of the future will be low-carbon, more efficient,...
Commentary 14 March 2022
‘Levelling Up’: continuing the conversation
‘Levelling Up’ - used here to refer to the wider UK Government policy agenda rather than the specific Levelling Up funding stream - is predominantly...
Commentary 1 March 2022
‘Levelling Up’: a critical conversation for Wales
What does ‘levelling up’ mean in practice for Wales? While debate around the definition continues, the long awaited White Paper has now been published. However,...