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Commentary 12 November 2020
Supporting mental health and wellbeing in fishermen and fishing communities
In September 2020 the Centre published it’s report Policy options for Welsh fishing opportunities, which explores the potential fishing opportunities open to Wales after the...
Commentary 10 November 2020
Why diversity in public appointments matters
Owing to the lack of diversity in board membership, many boards in Wales do not reflect the communities they serve, with Black, Asian, and Minority...
Commentary 6 November 2020
Building on strong foundations: the volunteer response to the pandemic in Wales
Emma Taylor-Collins and Hannah Durrant from Wales Centre for Public Policy, and WCVA’s Helpforce Cymru Manager Fiona Liddell look for a pattern in recent...
Commentary 10 June 2020
Recovering from the Coronavirus pandemic: maintaining a legacy of volunteering
One of the few positive side effects of the pandemic has been the apparent eruption in volunteering we’ve seen across Welsh communities – both in...
Commentary 30 April 2020
Loneliness in Lockdown
Prior to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 16% of the Welsh population identified as lonely, and it is known that loneliness and social isolation present significant challenges...
Commentary 9 April 2020
Youth Homelessness: Moving Towards Prevention
WCPP’s  reports on Preventing Youth Homelessness were published in 2018. Since then, we have been working with a range of stakeholders to communicate our key...
Commentary 30 March 2020
What we do and don’t know about ageing better in Wales
Recently the Centre invited Dr Anna Dixon, Chief Executive of the What Works Centre for Ageing Better, to visit us and exchange knowledge on ageing...
past event
What Works in Ageing Better?
24 February 2020
There are over 650,000 over-65s in Wales, representing 21% of the Welsh population. Making Wales a good place to grow old is a priority for government,...