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Publications 9 June 2021
The Welsh Government’s use of policy tools for mainstreaming equalities
From the onset of devolution, the Welsh Government has had a statutory duty to mainstream equality of opportunity in all of its activities. Following two...
Publications 7 June 2021
Volunteering and wellbeing during the Coronavirus pandemic
Volunteering has played a crucial role in supporting communities during the pandemic. Interest in volunteering saw a dramatic spike early in the pandemic, and volunteers...
Commentary 7 June 2021
Volunteering lessons from the pandemic
Amanda Carr, Director of Swansea Council for Voluntary Service (SCVS), reflects on how new research into volunteering and wellbeing during the pandemic matches up with...
Publications 26 May 2021
The role of communities and the use of technology in mitigating loneliness during the pandemic
This report presents findings from WCPP research on the role of communities and the use of technology in mitigating loneliness during the Coronavirus pandemic. Tackling...
Commentary 25 May 2021
Creating an anti-racist Wales
The Coronavirus pandemic has increased the urgency of actions to eliminate racial disparities in Wales. Analysis shows that the risk of deaths involving COVID-19 among...
Commentary 17 March 2021
Embedding Black and minority ethnic history, identity and culture into Welsh education
“Black history is Welsh history, and Welsh history is Black history” Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales (October 2020)   The new Curriculum for Wales 2022 presents...
Publications 15 March 2021
Improving race equality in Wales
The Welsh Government has made a commitment to publish a Race Equality Action Plan designed to tackle structural racial and ethnic inequalities in Wales. The...
Publications 10 March 2021
Disabled Facilities Grants: Changing the means test
In 2019 in Wales 22% of the population were disabled, with the disabled population projected to increase significantly by 2035. Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) are means-tested grants for...