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Commentary 11 October 2021
New insight into loneliness in Wales
New analysis by the Wales Centre for Public Policy gives important new insights into how different characteristics can multiply people’s risk of loneliness. Until...
Publications 11 October 2021
Who is lonely in Wales?
This series of data insights on loneliness in Wales is based on bespoke analysis of the National Survey for Wales (NSW). It is designed to...
Publications 30 September 2021
Well-being briefings for Public Services Boards
Public Services Boards (PSBs) are required by the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 to produce well-being assessments every five years, in line with local...
Publications 22 September 2021
Multi-agency working and outcomes for children looked after
‘At risk’ children and families will frequently interact with multiple agencies and services. It has been a long-held aspiration that these bodies and the services...
Commentary 2 September 2021
A pandemic called loneliness
When I was asked to attend the event on ‘Tackling loneliness in Wales through the pandemic and beyond’ as a representative for my organisation (Carmarthenshire...
Commentary 18 August 2021
Volunteering and wellbeing in the pandemic: Learning from practice
We’ve heard a lot about the valuable role of volunteering in supporting communities through the pandemic. But when we looked at the evidence base...
Commentary 13 July 2021
What I’d tell the Beatles about loneliness
To be honest, I’m not really a big Beatles fan. But oddly, when it comes to singing songs in the shower, “Eleanor Rigby” with “...
past event
Tackling loneliness in Wales through the pandemic and beyond
14 July 2021
The Wales Centre for Public Policy is convening a digital engagement programme to bring together key stakeholders working across the loneliness policy and public service...