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Publications 18 October 2023
Defining, Measuring and Monitoring Democratic Health in Wales
The Counsel General has asked the Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) to explore how Wales’ democratic health can best be defined, measured, and monitored.
Equity in tertiary education
Post-compulsory learning is associated with a range of positive life outcomes but how can we ensure equal access to these benefits?
The role of multisectoral collaboration in supporting community action
We are working with the Resourceful Communities Partnership (RCP) to review lessons learnt during the pandemic on the role of collaboration in supporting community action...
News Articles 10 August 2023
New approach needed to tackle loneliness
Tackling loneliness requires new approach which addresses societal inequalities - REPORT
News Articles 19 June 2023
Not everybody wants a goat! Five key takeaways from Wales’ basic income pilot
The Welsh Government is currently among a small but growing group of governments world-wide testing out the benefits of a basic income scheme. The Basic...
Publications 12 June 2023
Older adults and the pandemic: tackling loneliness through technology
Loneliness and social isolation have significant impacts on older people’s health and wellbeing. This has been a priority issue for the Welsh Government since...
Commentary 12 June 2023
Working together to tackle loneliness and isolation
In February 2020, the Welsh Government published its first ever strategy to tackle loneliness and social isolation - “Connected Communities”. We have probably all experienced these...
News Articles 12 June 2023
Loneliness, older adults and technology
During #LonelinessWeek, Wales Centre for Public Policy will issue a series of publications covering different aspects of research around this important topic. Loneliness is a ‘...