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Commentary 11 January 2019
Preventing youth homelessness in Wales
Homelessness expert Tamsin Stirling explores what's being done to tackle youth homelessness
Press Releases 25 October 2018
Prevention better than cure for youth homelessness, finds new report
The WCPP worked with homelessness experts from Canada on the project
Press Releases 19 July 2018
Smacking children no more effective than other forms of discipline says new report
Report also finds negative impact of smacking appears to be very small
Commentary 26 June 2018
Rural poverty: the case of Powys
Dr Greg Thomas explores in a guest blog in our rural poverty series
Commentary 18 June 2018
How community-based solutions can improve rural transport in Wales
A guest blog by Christine Boston, Director of the Wales Community Transport Association
Publications 11 June 2018
What Works in Tackling Rural Poverty: An Evidence Review of Interventions to Improve Access to Services
The Welsh Government has supported a wide range of programmes to address rural poverty and yet recent estimates suggest that almost a quarter of the...
past event
Reigniting Debate on Rural Poverty: Evidence, Practice & Policy Implications
13 July 2018
Leading researchers and practitioners discussed new research on rural poverty in Wales, and reflected on implications for research, policy and practice