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Professor Gillian Bristow
Dean of Research for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor in Economic Geography
Dr Peter Levell
Senior Research Economist
Publications 20 July 2020
Planning for a Prosperous, Equal and Green Recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic
These papers address the key messages from a series of expert roundtables convened by the Welsh Government’s Counsel General and Minister for European Transition,...
Publications 15 July 2020
20’s the limit: How to encourage speed reductions
The 20mph default speed limit on all residential roads in Wales is part of a suite of measures to promote ‘liveable’ communities. 20mph limits have...
Commentary 3 July 2020
Devolution and the Coronavirus pandemic in Wales: doing things differently, doing things together?
In a Senedd debate in May both First Minister Mark Drakeford and Welsh Brexit Party Leader Mark Reckless found themselves agreeing that the Coronavirus pandemic...
Sarah Toy
Freelance consultant in sustainability and urban futures.
Commentary 1 July 2020
How are we going to fund social care?
The Coronavirus pandemic has highlighted, more than ever, the importance of funding social care. Local authorities are concerned about meeting their statutory duties, paying care...
Commentary 26 June 2020
The Coronavirus pandemic and the cost of health
The current Coronavirus pandemic has brought healthcare and science experts to the centre of public debate. Questions about rationing resources such as access to specialist...