Economy, Decarbonisation and Skills

How can we move to a more resilient, prosperous, and inclusive decarbonised future Welsh economy?

The transition to net zero presents an opportunity to shift to an economy that is better able to respond to future needs and supports a more equal and prosperous society. The adjustment also presents challenges that will need to be overcome including developing the skills for a green labour market. In response to these opportunities and challenges, WCPP’s Economy, Decarbonisation and Skills programme explores key questions including what a future green economy and society might look like, what it might mean for policy and practice in Wales and what investments in skills and other supporting institutions will be needed.



Our portfolio of projects creates knowledge and evidence around all aspects of the economy, decarbonisation and skills in Wales.
Showing 129 to 71 of 71 results
Publications 29 September 2015
Quantifying the Benefits of Early Intervention in Wales
PROJECT STAFF: Leon Feinstein (Early Intervention Foundation) This report by the Public Policy Institute For Wales (PPIW) quantifies the benefits of early intervention programmes in...
Publications 4 September 2015
The Role of CPD in Closing the Attainment Gap
What role can Continuous Professional Development (CPD) play in closing the gap in educational attainment?
Publications 24 February 2015
Governing for Success: Reviewing the Evidence on Enterprise Zones
Enterprise Zones have proved to be an enduring feature of local economic development policy in the United Kingdom. Evidence on the achievements of previous zone...
Publications 24 November 2014
A Shared Responsibility: Maximising Learning from the Invest to Save Fund
This report from the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) concludes that councils, health boards and Welsh Government can work together more closely and need...



Our published research on the economy, decarbonisation and skills provides vital information for policymakers and researchers.

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We have a wealth of content covering all aspects of the economy, decarbonisation and skills in Wales.



Meet the Economy, Decarbonisation and Skills team
Dr Helen Tilley
Senior Research Fellow
Image of Dr Helen Tilley
Dr Jack Price
Research Associate
Image of Dr Jack Price
Grace Piddington
Research Officer
Image of Grace Piddington
Josh Coles-Riley
Research Associate
Image of Josh Coles-Riley
Greg Notman
Research Officer
Image of Greg Notman