
Hidlo cynnwys
Showing 121 to 124 of 124 results
Sylwebaeth 21 Gorffennaf 2016
Tackling Rural Poverty – Identifying the Causes
On a visit to Beijing in 2015 I met the Chinese Vice-Minister for Rural Development. A jovial man, who looked back fondly on the two years...
Sylwebaeth 24 Mawrth 2016
Why We Need Evidence on Poverty
Poverty is a long-standing and apparently intractable problem in Wales. Around 23% of population, some 700,000 people, live on household incomes of less than 60% of the median....
Cyhoeddiadau 2 Tachwedd 2015
Darparu ar gyfer Pobl Ifanc sy’n Gadael Gofal ac sydd mewn Perygl o Ddigartrefedd
Beth sy'n cael ei ddarparu ar gyfer pobl ifanc sy'n gadael gofal ac sydd mewn perygl o ddigartrefedd yng Nghymru?