
Hidlo cynnwys
Showing 169 to 176 of 191 results
Cyhoeddiadau 19 Hydref 2015
Measuring Progress on Well-being: The Development of National Indicators
This report from the Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) provides advice to the Welsh Government on the development of a set of National Indicators to...
Cyhoeddiadau 12 Hydref 2015
Evaluating the Contribution the Supporting People Programme makes to Preventing and Tackling Homelessness
This report by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) considers how the contribution the Supporting People programme makes to preventing and tackling homelessness might...
Cyhoeddiadau 9 Hydref 2015
Yr Angen a’r Galw yn y Dyfodol am Dai yng Nghymru
A yw Cymru'n barod am yr angen a'r galw am dai yn y dyfodol?
Cyhoeddiadau 6 Hydref 2015
Connection, Coherence and Capacity: Policy Making in Smaller Countries
The William Plowden Fellowship supports short research projects looking at issues of governance and public policy. Under its auspices, Tamlyn Rabey, a civil servant at...
Cyhoeddiadau 29 Medi 2015
Quantifying the Benefits of Early Intervention in Wales
PROJECT STAFF: Leon Feinstein (Early Intervention Foundation) This report by the Public Policy Institute For Wales (PPIW) quantifies the benefits of early intervention programmes in...
Cyhoeddiadau 28 Medi 2015
Meeting the Housing Needs of an Ageing Population
This report by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) presents a series of recommendations on the challenges that population ageing poses for housing needs...
Cyhoeddiadau 10 Medi 2015
Comparing Council Performance: The Feasibility of Cross-National Comparisons within the UK
For this report the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) commissioned experts at the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) to assess the...
Cyhoeddiadau 4 Medi 2015
Rôl Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus i Gau’r Bwlch mewn Cyrhaeddiad
Pa rôl y gall Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus ei chwarae i gau'r bwlch mewn cyrhaeddiad addysgol?