
Hidlo cynnwys
Showing 129 to 136 of 191 results
Cyhoeddiadau 1 Tachwedd 2017
Dyfodol Gwaith yng Nghymru
Mae dyfodol gwaith yn ansicr, gydag amrywiaeth eang o newidiadau cymdeithasol yn effeithio ar y farchnad lafur. Mae datblygiadau technolegol a chysylltedd gwell; cyni cyllidol...
Cyhoeddiadau 25 Hydref 2017
Supporting Career Progression in Growth Sectors
As part of our programme of research and knowledge exchange on ‘What Works in Tackling Poverty’, the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) commissioned an...
Cyhoeddiadau 13 Medi 2017
Regional Cooperation and Shared Services – Reflections from ‘Wales Down Under’
This report from the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) reviews the existing evidence on shared services. Alongside that report, we commissioned Professor Graham Sansom (...
Cyhoeddiadau 5 Medi 2017
Considerations for Designing and Implementing Effective Shared Services
This report from the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) brings together existing evidence on shared services in local government. In particular, it outlines why...
Cyhoeddiadau 23 Awst 2017
Participatory Budgeting
The Welsh Government is exploring the role Participatory Budgeting (PB) could play in the Welsh Government budget. To help inform this work, this report by...
Cyhoeddiadau 7 Awst 2017
Time for a Full Public Bank in Wales?
This report from the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) brings together evidence on the effectiveness and viability of a full public bank in Wales....
Cyhoeddiadau 10 Gorffennaf 2017
The Development and Implementation of Part 2 of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014: Lessons for Policy and Practice in Wales
Two research outputs from the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) highlight important themes for the study and understanding of policy making and implementation in...
Cyhoeddiadau 19 Mai 2017
Polisi Mewnfudo ar ôl Brexit
Ymchwilio i'r opsiynau tebygol ar gyfer polisi mewnfudo y bydd Llywodraeth y DU yn eu hystyried ar ôl Brexit