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Hidlo canlyniadau chwilio
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Sylwebaeth 20 Chwefror 2018
Cydgynhyrchu’n Allweddol i Gynllunio Ymyriadau Iechyd a Chyflogaeth Llwyddiannus
Roeddwn yn falch iawn o ddarllen adroddiad Canolfan Polisi Cyhoeddus Cymru a'r Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyflogaeth a oedd yn ystyried sut y gellid gwella canlyniadau iechyd...
Cyhoeddiadau 17 Hydref 2016
Effeithlonrwydd a Bwlch Ariannu’r GIG yng Nghymru
A allai effeithlonrwydd 'technegol' pellach helpu i gau 'bwlch ariannu' hirdymor y GIG yng Nghymru?
Cyhoeddiadau 8 Mehefin 2016
Increasing the Role of Social Business Models in the Health and Social Care in Wales
This report by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) reviews the evidence on ways of increasing the role which Social Business Models (SBMs) can...
Cyhoeddiadau 7 Chwefror 2016
Gwella Dealltwriaeth o Benderfyniadau Ymlaen Llaw i Wrthod Triniaeth a Chynyddu Nifer y Bobl sy’n Gwneud Penderfyniadau o’r...
Pa fesurau y gellir eu cymryd i wella dealltwriaeth o benderfyniadau ymlaen llaw i wrthod triniaeth a chynyddu nifer y bobl sy'n gwneud penderfyniadau o'r...
Cyhoeddiadau 4 Tachwedd 2015
The Care Home Market in Wales: Mapping the Sector
This report by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) provides advice on the resilience of the Care Home Sector in Wales. We worked with...
Cyhoeddiadau 19 Hydref 2015
Measuring Progress on Well-being: The Development of National Indicators
This report from the Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) provides advice to the Welsh Government on the development of a set of National Indicators to...
Cyhoeddiadau 5 Awst 2015
International Experience of Conditional Entitlement to Healthcare
The Welsh NHS is facing unprecedented financial pressures and difficult decisions have to be made about how to allocate and use healthcare resources. The aim...
Cyhoeddiadau 6 Mehefin 2015
International Experience of Prioritisation of Elective Surgery
Given the unprecedented financial pressures on the National Health Service in Wales, difficult decisions have to be made about how to allocate and use resources....