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Cyhoeddiadau 16 Chwefror 2017
Growth Sectors: Data Analysis on Employment Change, Wages and Poverty
This report funded by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) and ESRC demonstrates that the sector which an individual works in has a significant...
Cyhoeddiadau 9 Chwefror 2017
Darparu Gwasanaethau Rheilffyrdd Di-ddifidend
Sut y gallai masnachfraint rheilffyrdd Cymru a'r Gororau gael ei chynllunio i ddarparu gwasanaeth di-ddifidend ar gyfer teithwyr?
Cyhoeddiadau 19 Tachwedd 2016
Evidence Summary on EU Migration in Wales
Prepared for the Welsh Government’s European Advisory Group
Cyhoeddiadau 14 Tachwedd 2016
Improving Public Services
The Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) brought together an invited group of leading public management experts and Welsh Government officials to explore the existing...
Cyhoeddiadau 2 Tachwedd 2016
Alternatives Approaches to Reducing Poverty and Inequality
As part of our work exploring what works in tackling poverty, the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) held a workshop to explore alternative approaches...
Cyhoeddiadau 17 Hydref 2016
Effeithlonrwydd a Bwlch Ariannu’r GIG yng Nghymru
A allai effeithlonrwydd 'technegol' pellach helpu i gau 'bwlch ariannu' hirdymor y GIG yng Nghymru?
Cyhoeddiadau 6 Hydref 2016
Improving the Economic Performance of Wales: Existing Evidence and Evidence Needs
In April 2016 the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) brought together leading experts and policy makers to consider what works in improving the performance of...
Cyhoeddiadau 22 Medi 2016
New Directions in Employment Policy
In July 2016 the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) brought together policy makers and practitioners for a workshop to explore new directions in employment policy....