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Cyhoeddiadau 2 Tachwedd 2015
Darparu ar gyfer Pobl Ifanc sy’n Gadael Gofal ac sydd mewn Perygl o Ddigartrefedd
Beth sy'n cael ei ddarparu ar gyfer pobl ifanc sy'n gadael gofal ac sydd mewn perygl o ddigartrefedd yng Nghymru?
Cyhoeddiadau 12 Hydref 2015
Evaluating the Contribution the Supporting People Programme makes to Preventing and Tackling Homelessness
This report by the Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) considers how the contribution the Supporting People programme makes to preventing and tackling homelessness might...
Cyhoeddiadau 2 Chwefror 2015
Tackling Homelessness: A Rapid Evidence Review
The Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) was asked to advise on what more the Welsh Government might do to tackle homelessness. We conducted a...
Cyhoeddiadau 13 Mehefin 2014
Indebtedness, Low Income and Financial Exclusion in Wales
As part of its first work programme, The Public Policy Institute for Wales (PPIW) was asked to look at the impact of debt on deprived...