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Commentary 7 June 2021
Volunteering lessons from the pandemic
Amanda Carr, Director of Swansea Council for Voluntary Service (SCVS), reflects on how new research into volunteering and wellbeing during the pandemic matches up with...
Commentary 25 May 2021
Creating an anti-racist Wales
The Coronavirus pandemic has increased the urgency of actions to eliminate racial disparities in Wales. Analysis shows that the risk of deaths involving COVID-19 among...
Commentary 14 May 2021
Zoomshock: Is remote working the future of the Welsh economy?
The Welsh Government has recently announced a ‘long-term ambition to see around 30% of Welsh workers working from home or near from home, including after the...
Commentary 29 April 2021
PhD Internships – Learning by doing
In January 2021, the Wales Centre for Public Policy welcomed two doctoral students on three-month ESRC funded internships. Aimee Morse from the University of Gloucestershire studied...
Commentary 14 April 2021
It ain’t what you (can) do it’s the way that you do it
How can devolved governments deliver distinctive policies?
Commentary 7 April 2021
Climate Change: Making the Transition Happen in Wales
Recent developments give reasons to be ambitious about what Wales can do to tackle climate change. In December 2020, the UK’s Climate Change Committee (CCC)...
Commentary 17 March 2021
Embedding Black and minority ethnic history, identity and culture into Welsh education
“Black history is Welsh history, and Welsh history is Black history” Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales (October 2020)   The new Curriculum for Wales 2022 presents...
Commentary 17 February 2021
Domiciliary Care: what it’s really like?
A personal perspective from a registered Social Care Worker and Manager