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Commentary 30 September 2022
Promoting pathways out of poverty – and preventing the pitfalls of poverty entry
Enabling ‘pathways’ out of poverty must be a fundamental goal of any anti-poverty strategy. But how should such a strategy seek to achieve this? And...
Commentary 29 September 2022
Being poor in Wales – why where you live matters
Several of the challenges faced by people living in poverty or social exclusion in Wales relate to where they live. Local costs of living, affordability...
Commentary 27 September 2022
A matter of costs
For decades, poverty has been measured by a household’s income relative to that of others. Although adjustments are made for housing costs and household...
Commentary 27 September 2022
Running on empty: why we need reform in the cost-of-living crisis
During the initial months of the pandemic, when various protections were in place – such as the £20 per week uplift to Universal Credit – the number of...
Commentary 26 September 2022
What makes for an effective anti-poverty strategy?
The lack of an anti-poverty strategy did not stop the Welsh Government from taking action during the pandemic to address poverty in Wales. From the...
Commentary 23 September 2022
Has devolution delivered?
The last 25 years have seen a significant and sustained increase in public support for devolution in Wales. The 1997 referendum produced only a wafer thin majority...
Commentary 30 August 2022
‘Blending’ online and offline provision in community wellbeing services: what does it mean and why does it matter?
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, public and third sector organisations supporting community wellbeing have relied on a mixture of remote and face-to-face methods for delivering services...
Commentary 18 August 2022
Finding a path to university as a mature student
It wasn’t until I came to the conclusion that I was miserable in my job that I first heard the monkey on my back...