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Commentary 13 October 2023
How might anti-smoking policies affect the rise in vaping? 
Greg Notman and Amy Lloyd look at the differing measures governments around the world are taking to tackle vaping.
Commentary 11 October 2023
Fair’s fair? Equality, equity and access to tertiary education
As the new Commission for Tertiary Education and Research gears up, Jack Price explores what more can be done to create a fairer system for...
Commentary 10 October 2023
How can councils support their communities through the cost-of-living crisis?
Five key takeaways from the Welsh Local Government Association Annual Conference
Commentary 9 October 2023
Investment in councils, investment in communities
WCPP Director of Policy and Practice Dan Bristow addressed the WLGA Annual Conference 2023
Commentary 12 August 2023
Complex partnership arrangements are a barrier to effective support for children and families
It has long been recognised that for the most vulnerable children, the services that offer support must be provided in a coordinated and ‘joined-up’ way.
Commentary 25 July 2023
The benefits of Welsh diet change for our health, climate and pockets
Reducing emissions from agriculture remains one of the biggest barriers on Wales’ pathway to net zero. Progress has been limited in recent years and while ‘...
Commentary 19 July 2023
A Revolution by Stealth? Basic Income Experiments Proliferate
In this guest blog on basic income, Professor Guy Standing looks at the growing number of basic income trials around the world, and the evidence...
Commentary 17 July 2023
Basic income: What is it and what it isn’t
In this guest blog, Dr Francine Mestrum looks at three different forms of basic income - a universal basic income, a basic income for those...