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Commentary 17 July 2023
Basic income: What is it and what it isn’t
In this guest blog, Dr Francine Mestrum looks at three different forms of basic income - a universal basic income, a basic income for those...
Commentary 19 June 2023
Not everybody wants a goat!
Five takeaways from our conference on Wales' basic income pilot
Commentary 16 June 2023
It’s time to talk about loneliness inequalities
In this blog, Josh Coles-Riley explains why the Wales Centre for Public Policy has commissioned a major new review of research on loneliness inequalities – and...
Commentary 15 December 2022
What works to tackle poverty? Experimenting with a Basic Income in Wales
The current ‘cost of living crisis’ has highlighted the urgency of identifying and developing effective approaches to tackling poverty, an objective which underpinned the poverty...
Commentary 2 December 2022
Tackling poverty and mental health together: a multi-agency approach
The Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) has recommended four areas of focus for Welsh Government action on poverty and social exclusion. One of these...
Commentary 4 October 2022
Evidence and An Anti-Racist Wales
On 7 June, the Welsh Government launched its new Action Plan to forge An Anti-Racist Wales by 2030. The work will involve identifying and eradicating the systems,...
Commentary 30 September 2022
Promoting pathways out of poverty – and preventing the pitfalls of poverty entry
Enabling ‘pathways’ out of poverty must be a fundamental goal of any anti-poverty strategy. But how should such a strategy seek to achieve this? And...
Commentary 29 September 2022
Being poor in Wales – why where you live matters
Several of the challenges faced by people living in poverty or social exclusion in Wales relate to where they live. Local costs of living, affordability...