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Commentary 5 November 2019
The Preston Model: A panacea for Wales?
Procurement is moving up the agenda. In Wales, First Minister Mark Drakeford has advocated reforming procurement and procurement has been suggested as a way to...
Commentary 30 October 2019
Unleashing the power of public procurement
Understandably given the pressure on budgets, the focus is often on procuring public services at the lowest possible cost.  But there is a growing recognition...
Commentary 21 October 2019
Tackling Inequalities through Gender Budgeting
With the opportunity provided by the Gender Equality Review and the commitment to feminist principles by the Welsh Government, the time is ripe for the...
Commentary 21 October 2019
Is healthcare in Wales really that different?
Whenever the UK media discusses the NHS, more often than not it is talking about the NHS in England, rather than all four nations, although...
Commentary 10 September 2019
Male Suicide – A Silent Epidemic
10th September is World Suicide Prevention Day. This annual event aims to raise the awareness of suicide, educate about the causes and warning signs of...
Commentary 21 August 2019
How did we get here and how can we build on it?
Seven chapters that shape the Welsh economy.
Commentary 23 July 2019
Responding to those in difficulty with council tax debt in Wales: what does the evidence show?
This blog draws on a recent Wales Centre for Public Policy (WCPP) report ‘Responding to citizens in debt to public services: A rapid evidence review’...
Commentary 8 July 2019
Welsh Policy and Politics in Unprecedented Times
On 24th May 2019, the Wales Centre for Public Policy and the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) organised a conference...