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Commentary 1 February 2021
Fairer Futures: Understanding Inequality in the Our Future Wales consultation
The Welsh Government launched the Our Future Wales consultation in May 2020 with the aim of identifying ideas and solutions for rebuilding Wales following the Coronavirus...
Commentary 15 January 2021
Post-Brexit Migration and Wales: Potential impacts of the new system and recommendations on the priorities for influencing UK immigration policy.
Following the end of free movement on 31st December 2020, thinking turns not only to the impacts of the new immigration system, but also to how...
Commentary 15 December 2020
Using fishing opportunities to support mental health and wellbeing in the Welsh fishing industry
As the UK leaves the European Union, much has been made of the post-Brexit opportunities for new governing legislation. In few industries is this more...
Commentary 8 December 2020
What might implementation science and knowledge mobilisation mean for What Works Centres?
Implementation science (IS) and knowledge mobilisation (KMb) are just two concepts in the plethora of ideas and terms developed over the last decades in narrowing...
Commentary 3 December 2020
Caring for the Care Sector: How Can We Support New Models of Home Care
Social care needs help. We can only describe a service as in “crisis” for so long until that becomes the norm, and the very name “...
Commentary 30 November 2020
Gradually and then all at once – The UK’s new points-based migration system and small and medium enterprises
Responding to the Wales Centre for Public Policy’s (WCPP) report on the impact of a new post-Brexit migration system, in this blog Dr Llyr...
Commentary 12 November 2020
Supporting mental health and wellbeing in fishermen and fishing communities
In September 2020 the Centre published it’s report Policy options for Welsh fishing opportunities, which explores the potential fishing opportunities open to Wales after the...
Commentary 10 November 2020
Why diversity in public appointments matters
Owing to the lack of diversity in board membership, many boards in Wales do not reflect the communities they serve, with Black, Asian, and Minority...