Dr Eleanor MacKillop

Job title Research Associate
Organisation Wales Centre for Public Policy
Contact email info@wcpp.org.uk

Eleanor is a researcher with a background in political science, organisation studies and local government research. Her work at the Wales Centre for Public Policy involves, amongst other issues, researching the role of evidence in policy-making in Wales and elsewhere, examining policy-making in devolved administrations and small countries, and evaluating the Well-Being of Future Generations Act recently adopted in Wales. Her interests span austerity and crisis, organisational change, and policy formulation and change.

Prior to joining the Wales Centre for Public Policy, she held research positions at the Institute of Local Government Studies (INLOGOV), University of Birmingham, working with Professor Chris Skelcher on the ESRC-funded Shrinking the State project and researching advisory bodies and the Coalition’s ‘bonfire of the quangos’; and at the University of Liverpool, working as a research associate for three years on the Wellcome-funded Governance of Health project which examined policy-making in health since the creation of the NHS in 1948 and the role of economics in this area. Her PhD (De Montfort University, Leicester) looked at austerity in local government following the 2010 Coalition government decision to drastically cut local government funding.


Eleanor’s blogs for WCPP:

Understanding organisations that provide evidence for policy

Fairer Futures: Understanding Inequality in the Our Future Wales consultation

What might implementation science and knowledge mobilisation mean for What Works Centres?

The Coronavirus pandemic and the cost of health

The role of Welsh local government in a post-Coronavirus world

Welsh Policy and Politics in Unprecedented Times

Our Theory of Change


Further blogs:

Researchers engaging with policy should take into account policymakers’ varied perceptions of evidence

Understanding organisations that provide evidence for policy

Understanding evidence in policy-making

Surveying the landscape of UK University policy engagement – What are we doing differently and why?

Knowledge brokering organisations – what are they and what do they do?
