
Professor James Downe
Director of Research
Image of Professor James Downe
Professor Dan Bristow
Director of Policy and Practice
Image of Professor Dan Bristow
Amanda Hill-Dixon
Senior Research Fellow
Image of Amanda Hill-Dixon
Dr Hannah Durrant
Senior Research Fellow
Image of Dr Hannah Durrant
Dr Helen Tilley
Senior Research Fellow
Image of Dr Helen Tilley
Alexis Palá
Research Associate
Image of Alexis Palá
Dr Amy Lloyd
Research Fellow
Image of Dr Amy Lloyd
Asha Walker
Administrative Officer
Image of Asha Walker
Ashley Gardiner
Administrative Officer
Image of Ashley Gardiner
Charlotte Deeley
Research Fellow
Image of Charlotte Deeley
Charlotte Morgan
Research Officer
Image of Charlotte Morgan
Dr Eleanor MacKillop
Research Associate
Image of Dr Eleanor MacKillop
Findlay Smith
Research Assistant
Image of Findlay Smith
Greg Notman
Research Officer
Image of Greg Notman
Dr Jack Price
Research Associate
Image of Dr Jack Price
Josh Coles-Riley
Research Associate
Image of Josh Coles-Riley
Jude Langdon
Centre Manager
Image of Jude Langdon
Liz Clutton
Communications Officer
Image of Liz Clutton
Dr Katie Crompton
Research Assistant - ESRC Policy Innovation Fellowship
Image of Dr Katie Crompton
Dr Paul Vallance
Research Associate
Image of Dr Paul Vallance
Rosalind Phillips
Research Apprentice
Image of Rosalind Phillips
Rosie Havers
Research Assistant
Image of Rosie Havers
Dr Rounaq Nayak
ESRC Policy Research Fellow
Image of Dr Rounaq Nayak