Jude Langdon

Job title Centre Manager
Organisation Wales Centre for Public Policy
Contact email jude.langdon@wcpp.org.uk

Jude Langdon is Centre Manager at the Wales Centre for Public Policy. She leads the Centre’s professional services team and, as a member of the Centre’s Senior Management team, contributes to the long-term strategic planning and management of the Centre.

Jude has many years’ experience of working in public services in Wales and England, primarily in policy and service delivery roles in local government. Prior to joining the Centre, Jude was Social Justice Innovation Manager at Monmouthshire Council, where she led the authority’s work on community development and on tackling poverty & inequality.  During this time, Jude established and chaired the WLGA tackling poverty officer network.

Jude holds a BSc (Hons) in International Relations and an MSc in Social and Public Policy from Cardiff University.  She has also been a school governor since 2011 across primary and secondary phases, and is currently Chair of Governors at her local secondary school.
